
Biden Struggles to Win Young Voters on Debt, Gaza Issues

President Biden’s recent actions on student debt relief and the conflict in Gaza may not be resonating with young Americans, according to recent polling data. The Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics conducted a survey showing that cost-of-living issues like inflation and housing are more important to young voters than foreign conflicts or student debt.

While President Biden has made efforts to address student loan debt, including cancelling millions of dollars in debt for hundreds of thousands of borrowers, the issue ranks low on the list of priorities for young Americans. The administration’s plans to cancel even more debt for millions of Americans have faced criticism for potentially being a strategy to win over debt-burdened college graduates.

On the foreign policy front, President Biden has been critical of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the conflict in Gaza. However, younger voters seem less likely to support Israel in the conflict, with many expressing sympathy for the Palestinian cause. This sentiment could impact how young voters perceive President Biden’s handling of the issue.

In terms of student debt, despite younger voters showing more support for President Biden’s actions, a significant percentage still disapprove of his handling of the matter. The administration’s efforts to tackle student loan debt have faced challenges, including a previous cancellation plan being struck down by the Supreme Court.

As the 2024 election approaches, President Biden remains the favorite among young voters in a hypothetical race against former President Trump and other candidates. However, enthusiasm for Trump among his supporters appears to be higher compared to Biden. With third-party options removed, Biden leads Trump in support among young voters.

Overall, the polling data suggests that President Biden may need to focus more on addressing cost-of-living issues that are top concerns for young Americans. This could potentially impact how young voters choose to cast their ballots in the upcoming election, with economic issues taking precedence over foreign conflicts and student debt relief efforts.

Written by Staff Reports

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