
Bidenflation Gobbles Up Your Thanksgiving Budget!

This Thanksgiving, Americans are sitting down to their tables, ready to dig into a feast they had to take out a second mortgage to afford, all thanks to Bidenflation. It’s a shame that a holiday dinner now costs them an arm and a leg, but hey, at least President Joe Biden wants credit for “lower” Thanksgiving food and travel prices this year. Talk about living in an alternate reality!

But let’s look at the facts, shall we? Food prices under Biden are through the roof. Poultry items, including turkey, have soared nearly 30 percent compared to last year, and potato prices have spiked by more than 12 percent. And don’t even get started on dinner rolls, which have seen a ridiculous 27 percent price hike in just three years! It’s like the Biden administration wants every American to go broke while trying to enjoy a nice meal with their family.

Even liberals can’t defend Biden’s claim that we should be “grateful” for the state of the economy under Bidenomics. The Wall Street Journal tore apart Biden’s message, pointing out that while inflation may be rising at a slower rate, it’s still rising. Thanksgiving dinner prices are only getting higher, folks. No matter how hard the White House tries to spin it, there’s no denying that Biden’s policies are detrimental to our wallets.

In fact, a University of Michigan survey found that most Americans believe inflation will continue to rise in the long run due to the lasting effects of Biden’s policies. It’s almost comical that the Biden administration expects us to believe everything is under control and that inflation will magically disappear. Spoiler alert: it won’t. The American people are smarter than that, even if the liberal media wants to paint us otherwise.

But let’s not forget, this Thanksgiving was also the second-most expensive in the survey’s 38-year history, according to data from the American Farm Bureau Federation. So, while Biden and his cronies try to pat themselves on the back for a job well done, the American people are left with empty pockets and a fridge full of overpriced food.

Thanksgiving this year is a stark reminder of the disastrous effects of Bidenomics. Higher food prices, soaring inflation, and empty promises from the White House have left Americans struggling to enjoy a simple holiday meal without breaking the bank. It’s time for a reality check, Mr. President, and maybe a lesson in basic economics wouldn’t hurt either.

Written by Staff Reports

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