
Biden’s Blunders Continue Juneteenth Misstep and G7 Wandering Raise Eyebrows

Lately, Joe “The Big Guy” Biden has been the gift that keeps on giving, serving up more clueless moments than an entire season of “The Office.” First on the list of Biden blunders is his appearance at a Juneteenth event that could only be described as robotic, surrounded by animated people celebrating, while he stood like a stiff mannequin with a grin that made one wonder if he was actually there or just projecting from an alternate dimension. Even when he tried to join in the clapping, his lack of rhythm could only contribute to the growing narrative that the commander-in-chief is several beats behind reality.

If his Juneteenth statue performance wasn’t enough to convince skeptics, his wandering antics at the G7 summit in Italy surely sealed the deal. While other world leaders mingled and stayed in formation like good little soldiers, Biden took a scenic detour. Some apologists tried to claim he was merely greeting others out of frame, but the fact that foreign dignitaries were clearly concerned enough to guide him back like a lost tourist at Disneyland speaks volumes. They even went as far as to put sunglasses on the wandering prez, as if shielding him from the blinding spotlight of public scrutiny.

Adding to the hilarity, or perhaps the national embarrassment, was the spectacle at a lavish fundraiser in Los Angeles featuring Biden and his old pal, Barack Obama. It quickly became the Barack and Barry show when Biden forgot his cues and just stood there, awkwardly soaking in the cheers and letting the moment slip away. The ever-smooth Obama had to swoop in like a political babysitter, taking Biden by the arm and leading him offstage. The whole scene was a slapstick comedy in slow motion, only without the intentional humor and far too much cringe for comfort. 


Even Barack, the master of optics, knelt under the weight of the predicament. He must have known how it would look when the world saw him taking Biden by the arm in front of thousands of cameras, yet he did it anyway. Why? He likely figured an awkward exit stage left was less damaging than letting Biden continue his bewildered man-on-the-moon routine. As if that wasn’t enough, insiders suggest Obama’s move could have been a calculated step in clearing Biden off the political chessboard, prepping for the possibility of a change in the Democratic lineup.

While some Dems are pondering over the Kamala conundrum should Biden flounder, it’s no mystery why the left’s top brass is dressing Joe in bubble wrap. With yet another Democratic debate looming, the stakes are sky-high. Biden’s team has hustled one of the earliest debates ever in hopes of silencing critics, but there’s a catch: if Biden stumbles and his numbers keep sliding, it’ll take heavy hitters like Obama and Clinton to convince him to step aside. The drama unfolds like a high-stakes political soap opera, where Biden’s defenders are willing to sell ridiculous claims about “deep fakes” to defend their man’s faltering image, employing the same outlandish tactics they used during the 2020 laptop saga.

In essence, it’s a masterclass in gaslighting. Even as footage of Biden’s public gaffes circulates unedited and unaltered, his handlers are keen on dismissing it all as cinematic trickery. It’s hardly surprising from a cadre that spent years sustaining the Russia hoax and laptop disinformation illusions. As this farce stretches on, don’t look to the mainstream media to call out the absurdity. Just expect more of the same Orwellian spin until the bitter end, with Joe Biden as their increasingly bewildered poster boy.

Written by Staff Reports

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