
Biden’s Censorship Empire Crumbles: Court Delivers Major Blow

President Joe Biden and his administration continue to face legal setbacks, particularly in federal court, regarding their ongoing efforts to censor social media content. It's high time someone defended the First Amendment rights of all Americans against this power-hungry administration.

Missouri's Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, a staunch advocate for freedom, proudly announced a significant victory for the American people. As reported by Town Hall, Bailey shared this news on a program with a mysterious title, "X."

Bailey exclaimed, "We've secured an injunction against CISA, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security, preventing them from infringing upon the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans." But that's not all – this injunction also applies to the White House, Surgeon General, CDC, and FBI, creating a ripple effect of justice.

You might be wondering about CISA, which stands for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, housed within the Department of Homeland Security. Interestingly, they were initially excluded from a court order by the Fifth Circuit that had already rebuked the Biden Administration's attempts to stifle dissenting voices. However, Bailey and his team didn't back down; they filed a motion, and now CISA is covered by the court order. Take that, censorship!

Here's the intriguing part: Bailey pointed out that CISA serves as the nerve center of the Biden administration's censorship initiatives. They collaborated with the FBI to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, resembling a scene from a spy thriller, except instead of saving the world, they're trampling on our First Amendment rights.

Missouri, however, doesn't flinch when it comes to defending the Constitution. Bailey proudly stated that even though Biden plans to appeal to the United States Supreme Court, they stand ready and eager to safeguard our First Amendment rights at the highest court in the land. Bravo, Missouri!

Let's not forget that this lawsuit was initially filed by former Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is now a Republican U.S. Senator. It's heartening to see conservatives stepping forward to combat the overreach of this administration.

So, applause to Bailey, Schmitt, and all those involved in this triumphant defense of freedom of speech. Let this serve as a lesson to President Biden and his administration: you can attempt to censor us, but we will always rise to protect our constitutional rights. And that's a fact!

Written by Staff Reports

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