
Biden’s Democracy Act or Desperation? Fantasy Narratives Abound

In the latest episode of “Let’s Rewrite History,” President Joe Biden is trying to convince America that he’s its head cheerleader, saving democracy one misstep at a time. Apparently, the very concept of democracy has become so elastic that it can be “saved” by nearly any action, no matter how self-serving or misguided it may seem. While he’s busy polishing his superhero cape, one must wonder how many more fantasy narratives he can juggle without dropping the ball on reality.

The art of lying is not just a pastime for politicians; it’s practically an Olympic sport. For Biden, these Olympic-worthy performances have included everything from claiming he was sent to “save democracy” at various historical turning points to his ongoing struggle to excuse why he’s still in the race despite the glaring evidence that he isn’t fit for the job. With applause from his media allies and nods of affirmation from his base, Biden has crafted a narrative that makes him the protagonist in his own epic saga, while conveniently dodging the more mundane reality of being a failed president.

One could say Biden’s mission to “save democracy” unfolds like a bad sequel that nobody asked for. First, it was Charlottesville that somehow ignited a fire in him, leading him to heroically vanquish Trump in 2020. Then came the decision to run again in 2024, as if he were the last hope for a free and fair society—newsflash: it’s hard to take a hero seriously when his biggest crises seem to stem from a lack of coherent thought. His recent debate performance definitely didn’t bolster claims of an American hero; rather, it reinforced what many already suspect: he’s not fit to carry the mantle he insists he’s earned.

Now, in classic fashion, he’s once again “saving democracy” by not dropping out of the race, all while he maneuvers through political waters that he has made murky. He’s like a reluctant superhero who refuses to retire, claiming a commitment to “his people” while simultaneously plotting the “transitional” appointment of a successor. How noble! Or, more accurately, how desperate. This man seems determined to cling to power, even when surveys indicate that the majority of Americans are left scratching their heads in confusion over his policies—or lack thereof.

Of course, Biden would rather distract from the real issues at play, such as his declining approval ratings and the nation’s growing discontent with his administration’s direction. In his world, the past is washed away like a bad stain on a favorite shirt, leaving behind the pristine narrative of a savior fighting for democracy. But many Americans are not buying this latest thriller in the Biden Chronicles; instead of being rallied, they are looking for an exit ramp from this administrative chaos.

Ultimately, this isn’t about politics; it’s about the fantasy that people are being asked to accept. Historians might need to put a warning label on Biden’s legacy: “May contain traces of fabricated self-importance.” As he spins his tale of heroism, one can almost hear the collective sigh of weary citizens who just want their nation back on course—and perhaps a little less melodrama from the Oval Office.

Written by Staff Reports

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