
Biden’s Memory Fails: Is He Fit for Office? Doocy Dares to Ask

In a stunning turn of events, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy managed to make President Joe Biden’s night even worse by daring to question his cognitive abilities. Doocy, citing Special Counsel Robert Hur’s decision not to charge Biden with any crimes due to his “poor memory,” dropped a bombshell question: “Just how good is your memory, and can you continue as President?” Ouch.

Biden, clearly taken aback by this audacious inquiry, couldn’t resist throwing a sassy retort at Doocy. He paused, looked him dead in the eyes, and fired back, “My memory is so bad that I let you speak.” Talk about a burn! But it’s not all fun and games.

While speaking with anchor Jesse Watters after the exchange, Doocy explained the seriousness of his question and revealed that he wasn’t expecting Biden to simply brush it off with a humorous comeback. He wanted answers about whether the President’s memory lapses were severe enough to warrant stepping down from office. After all, there’s a whole 388 pages of a special counsel report highlighting Biden’s memory problems. The American people deserve to know if their commander-in-chief can hold up for another five years.

Special Counsel Hur, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the classified documents found in Biden’s home, concluded that the President wasn’t criminally liable for mishandling national security. However, the report shed light on the struggles investigators faced while questioning Biden. Apparently, he had a tough time recalling basic details like when his son Beau passed away or even the years he had served as vice president. Yikes.

Unsurprisingly, Biden’s legal team immediately requested a retraction of the statements made in the report. According to them, Hur’s release of the report went against established norms and was basically “trashing” the President. They argued that the report was influenced by the intense political environment, conveniently ignoring the fact that Hur conducted his investigation without any interference from the White House.

It’s clear that Biden’s age remains a major concern for most Americans, as indicated by numerous polls. The issues surrounding his memory lapses and cognitive abilities cannot be dismissed lightly. The public deserves transparency and honesty from their leaders, especially when it comes to their mental fitness.

So, let’s not laugh it off. Let’s demand answers and assurance that our President’s memory won’t fail him during crucial moments. The fate of our nation and its security are at stake, and a forgetful leader is the last thing we need.

Written by Staff Reports

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