
Biden’s Mental Struggles Ignored? Fox’s Doocy Exposes Alarming Poll Results!

Joe Biden’s mental struggles have once again come to light, and this time it was Fox’s very own Peter Doocy who exposed the truth. During a press briefing, Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the alarming polling numbers that show a majority of Americans are skeptical of Biden’s mental capabilities. In a recent ABC news poll, only 28 percent of respondents believed Biden was capable of handling the job, while a whopping 69 percent had serious doubts. Ouch, those numbers are devastating!

Now, instead of addressing the legitimate concerns raised by Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre decided to play the spin game. She couldn’t seem to understand why people would question Biden’s competence when he had allegedly achieved so much in his three years in office. She rattled off a laundry list of legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act. But let’s be real here, passing legislation doesn’t automatically equate to being competent. We’ve witnessed Biden’s lack of competence day after day, and the Inflation Reduction Act has only contributed to higher inflation, not reduced it. Talk about a misleadingly named bill that serves as a reminder of Biden’s ineptitude. And let’s not even get started on his claims about unemployment – people returned to work after the COVID lockdowns in spite of Biden’s lackluster efforts.

The fact that Jean-Pierre had to resort to spinning nonsense in the face of these concerns speaks volumes about the Biden administration. It’s clear they don’t have a strong hand or a full deck. The problem here lies with Joe Biden and his defenders. They are desperately trying to mask the truth of his mental decline with smoke and mirrors, but the American people aren’t buying it.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Biden himself had another episode of disturbing confusion. During a meeting of his “Reproductive Rights Task Force,” he mixed up two of his cabinet secretaries. He thanked his “gender policy adviser, Jen Klein,” but instead pointed to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security. Not only did he mistake one cabinet secretary for another, but he didn’t even notice that Becerra, the supposed gender policy adviser, wasn’t even in the room! It’s alarming how his cognitive abilities are deteriorating to the point where he can’t even distinguish between members of his own team who don’t even look alike. And let’s not forget the absurdity of having a “gender policy adviser” in the first place. Talk about wasteful spending.

This confusion from Biden is not an isolated incident. Just last week, he mistakenly talked about taking a picture with someone at an event who wasn’t even present. He also had a frightening moment of blank-eyed confusion during a trip to stores in Allentown. How can we trust a leader who can’t even keep his thoughts straight or remember basic details?

The truth is that Biden is sinking fast, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine him successfully campaigning all the way to November. But the Democrats, in their blind determination to push their agenda, continue to put this man in front of the American people, putting our country at risk. It’s truly disheartening to see how little they care about the well-being of our nation. It’s time for a change, and it can’t come soon enough.

Written by Staff Reports

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