
Biden’s Open Border Invites Brutal Gangs to Paint NYC with Sinister Schemes!

President Joe Biden’s border crisis is not only causing chaos and humanitarian issues, but it is also providing a golden opportunity for criminal organizations to thrive. One such group, Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang, has taken advantage of the situation and set up a North American division in New York City. The gang has been implicated in a recent surge of robberies in the city, where thieves on mopeds target victims using cellphones. These stolen devices are then disabled and used to drain the victims’ finances before being shipped off to South America for resale.

Tren de Aragua, which started as a violent gang involved in robberies, drug-dealing, and human trafficking across South America, now poses a significant threat in New York City. The gang’s willingness to kill women and engage in ruthless criminal activity has shocked even the most hardened criminals in South America. Unfortunately, with the Biden border collapse, they have now extended their operations into North America.

Moreover, there are concerns that Tren de Aragua may have been involved in the mob attack on two New York City police officers in January. The fact that these attackers were almost immediately released, thanks to New York’s Democratic “bail reform,” only exacerbates the outrage among Americans. This leniency towards criminals is a result of Democrats refusing to acknowledge reality or prioritize the safety of their fellow citizens.

The gang, with its deep roots in Venezuela and experience in human trafficking, has been instrumental in smuggling thousands of Venezuelans across the border into the United States. They charge fees to fellow Venezuelans for illegal border crossings and even profit from charging for the use of federal toilet facilities at the border. This audacity and criminal enterprise demonstrate the brazen nature of the gang.

Now, Tren de Aragua is employing a new sinister scheme in New York City. They recruit foot soldiers from the city’s migrant shelters and use them to carry out robberies on mopeds. These robberies target cellphones and women’s purses, which are then used for identity theft or sold for profit. The gang operates from safe houses where hackers work to drain victims’ bank accounts and conduct fraudulent activities.

While criminal gangs exploiting illegal immigration is not a new phenomenon, what sets this situation apart is the direct responsibility of President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. By reversing Donald Trump’s policies that had brought some semblance of order to the border, Biden created the disaster the country is currently experiencing. This border crisis not only puts American safety at risk but also allows criminal organizations like Tren de Aragua to prosper.

It is essential for all Americans, regardless of their political affiliations, to remember the consequences of these policies during the next election. The Biden administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws has directly led to the flourishing of criminal enterprise in the country. It is a stark reminder that the safety and well-being of American citizens must always be a priority, regardless of the political ideology of those in power.

Written by Staff Reports

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