
Biden’s Polls Plummet! Michigan Sees Past Liberal Fog & Crazy Oyster Bunny Gatecrashes WH

Good golly Miss Molly, hold onto your hats, folks, because Duke is here to dish out the juiciest bits of news with a conservative twist! So, what’s all the buzz about on April 7th, 2024? Buckle up, buttercups, because there’s some spicy info coming your way.

First up on the docket, it looks like ol’ Sleepy Joe Biden is having a rough time of it in the polls. The poor fella’s numbers are tanking faster than a lead balloon! Looks like folks are starting to wise up to his shenanigans. Michigan, my beautiful home state, is no exception. You can’t pull the wool over our eyes, Joe! As a conservative, it’s music to my ears to see the tide turning against the liberal establishment.

And speaking of establishments, can you believe the audacity of Joe Biden inviting the Oyster Bunny to the White House Easter Egg Roll? I mean, come on, folks. What’s next, a clam dressed as the Tooth Fairy? The lack of respect for tradition and decorum is truly staggering. Jill Biden just standing there, clapping away like everything is hunky-dory. Give me a break!

Now, let’s talk about the upcoming solar eclipse. Some folks are all jittery about it, but let me tell you, my main concern is whether Michigan will get rain or shine. I don’t know about you, but I have a barbecue planned, and I’ll be darned if some eclipse is gonna rain on my parade. Keep those clouds away, Mother Nature, Duke’s got a grill to tend to!

And lastly, a burning question that’s been keeping me up at night: who will win a football championship first, the Michigan Panthers or the Detroit Lions? Personally, I’m pulling for the Panthers. Lions have been roaring for years with no real bite, if you catch my drift. It’s time for a change, a new champion to rise in the realm of football glory.

So there you have it, folks. Another Sunday, another dose of Duke Over America on WAAM radio. Stay tuned, stay informed, and remember, keep your eyes peeled for those sneaky bunnies in disguise. Let’s make America great again, one conservative news bit at a time!

Written by Staff Reports

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