
Biden’s Shocking 9/11 Anniversary Plans Revealed

Rather than going to the sites of the attacks in New York, Washington, or Shanksville that were targeted on 9/11, Joe Biden decided to commemorate the incident in Alaska. This is a clear example of his lack of seriousness and respect for the victims and their loved ones. Instead of going to the sites of the attacks, he will be visiting a military base.

While it is important for Jill Biden and Kamala Harris to be present at the Pentagon for the ceremony, the president should also be there at one of the sites that was attacked. Barack Obama and Biden both knew that flying to Alaska was not ideal. Biden's failure to attend the ceremony shows that he is incapable of prioritizing the country's values and interests.

George Pataki, a former governor of New York, called Joe Biden's decision to not attend the memorial services for those who died on 9/11 a disgrace. He noted that the lack of respect shown by the Biden shows a complete lack of empathy for the families and victims of the terrorist attacks.

According to Pataki, Biden's decision to avoid going to New York was most likely due to his fear of being questioned about the migrant crisis. This is a clear indication that he is more concerned with his own political ambitions than remembering those who died on 9/11.

Last year, Biden delivered a speech at the Pentagon on the anniversary of the attacks. His decision to deviate from his prepared statement further highlighted his lack of respect for the victims and their families. This latest mistake is another example of why Biden is not fit to be the president of the US. Americans should demand better leadership from him.

Written by Staff Reports

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