
Biden’s White House Report Card Reveals ‘Sadim Touch’ Disaster!

This week’s White House Report Card is in, and it’s not looking good for President Joe Biden. Despite his best efforts, he just can’t seem to improve his approval rating. It’s almost as if he has the reverse of the Midas touch – the Sadim touch. And if you take a look at how he’s been handling his dogs, it’s not hard to see why.

In just three years of his presidency, two of Biden’s dogs have been sent packing. The latest casualty is Commander, who was banished from the White House after reportedly biting 12 security and staff members. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think a president should be able to handle his own pets.

But it’s not just the dog troubles that are dragging Biden down. Despite some positive jobs news and upgrades to earlier reports, his approval rating remains in the low 40s. And to make matters worse, he’s trailing former President Donald Trump in the 2024 horse race. Even former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is ahead of him. Ouch.

Sure, Biden may have made some moves on the southern border wall that appease conservatives, but it’s causing a lot of grief among liberals. And let’s not forget about the GOP turmoil in the House that led to the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. While you might think this would give Biden a boost, it actually just left independent voters condemning both sides. It’s a lose-lose situation for the president.

In conclusion, Biden’s Sadim touch seems to be his downfall. Whether it’s his mishandling of his dogs or his struggles with approval ratings, it’s clear that things are not going well for him. Let’s just hope he can turn things around before it’s too late. But if the current trends continue, I’m not holding my breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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