
Bill Maher Criticizes Biden, Dreams of Newsom at Open Convention

Bill Maher, the liberal comedian who’s typically more aligned with far-left ideologies, has taken to tossing some shade at his own party. Democrats have been in panic mode ever since President Joe Biden delivered what can only be described as a cringe-worthy debate performance last Thursday. It’s not the first time Biden’s mental fitness has been called into question, but even a left-wing firebrand like Maher is airing his concerns.

In an op-ed for the New York Times, Maher pulled no punches as he dissected Biden’s debate disaster, colorfully suggesting it was like the worst episode of a reality show for seniors. He hinted that the real issue—Biden’s rapidly diminishing cognitive faculties—could finally become a topic of discussion. And boy, it's about time!

However, in true Maher fashion, he sees a silver lining in the hot mess. He is practically salivating at the idea of Democrats shaking things up with an open convention instead of sticking to the script and swearing Biden in for his second act. An open convention in Chicago, no less? The city that practically wrote the book on Democratic drama? Maher insists this would inject the party with a level of excitement and involvement that not even George Soros’s billions could buy.

Maher’s dream scenario would see Biden stepping aside for someone younger, and he’s got just the guy in mind: California Governor Gavin Newsom. Despite Newsom’s luggage cart loaded with California’s woes, Maher thinks that Newsom is polished and articulate, the perfect tool to go up against Trump. To Maher, Newsom’s ability to hammer home arguments against Trump without tripping over his words makes him look strong and unflinching—qualities voters are supposedly more drawn to than any specific policy. Let’s be real, though: looking good on TV certainly doesn’t hurt!

Maher is clear on one thing: the Democrats need younger blood if they want any chance of defeating Trump in November. Yet, this pipedream seems destined for failure as Biden and his inner circle deny any intention of stepping down. Despite Thursday’s train wreck, Biden’s camp has spent their time quashing any notion of replacement, insisting Grandpa Joe is the man for the job.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki isn’t buying what Maher’s selling either. According to her, an open convention sounds enticing on paper but is practically impossible to execute. The public has already selected Biden, and leaving it to party delegates to pick a new nominee in a chaotic and cutthroat convention would complicate things more than Democrats can afford.

So, while Maher fantasizes about a Democratic phoenix rising from Biden’s debate ashes, it looks like the Democrats are stuck with Uncle Joe—wobbly performance and all.

Written by Staff Reports

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