
Conservative Judge Smacks Down Liberal Gun-Grabbers: Victory for the Second Amendment!

Another liberal gun-grabbing law just bit the dust! On Friday, April 1, a federal judge in Minnesota overturned a 2003 state law that prohibited residents between the ages of 18-20 from carrying handguns in public. The ridiculous law required applicants to be at least 21 years old to apply for a permit to carry, which was a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

The judge’s ruling was a victory for gun rights activists everywhere. The left’s unconstitutional attempts to limit Americans’ right to bear arms have been failing left and right, with a recent California gun ban getting struck down.

But don’t think that this ruling was a stand-alone case. A recent ruling in Missouri also held law enforcement agencies accountable for enforcing unjust federal gun laws without state equivalents. The Missouri law had previously threatened law enforcement agencies with fines of up to $50,000 per offending officer.

Thankfully, the recent wave of gun victories highlights that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution. Even with leftist attempts to dismantle the Second Amendment, the strength of the Constitution and the diligence of conservative judges continue to defend our liberties.

Written by Staff Reports

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