
Democrats Embrace No-Name Leaders Kamala Harris Tim Walz Waits in Wings

The political scene is currently buzzing with transitions, as Joe Biden ended his campaign for reelection in July 2024, paving the way for Kamala Harris to become the Democratic nominee. It’s only been a couple of months since Biden handed over the torch, and already the Democrats are eyeballing the next potential candidate with Tim Walz lurking in the shadows. If Harris were to trip and fall in the spotlight, Walz could waltz in effortlessly. But let’s be honest—does it really matter?

Historically, the world has often been seen through the lens of The Great Man Theory, which posits that history is shaped by powerful and heroic figures. Think of leaders like Alexander the Great or Abraham Lincoln, who molded the course of nations with their vision and actions. This perspective has gained traction among conservatives, who embrace the idea that individuals can indeed shape the destiny of nations. Conversely, the Left has embraced “History from Below,” a belief system asserting that all those great accomplishments are merely products of societal forces, negating the value of individual agency. After all, in their eyes, it’s society that deserves the credit, not the leaders.

In a delightful twist, the modern Democratic approach reflects this “History from Below” philosophy. By the Left’s own logic, it doesn’t matter who is at the top of the ticket as long as the progressive agenda is pushed forward. So whether it’s Biden, Harris, or the next flavor of the month, it’s all part of a larger collective movement. The idea is that leaders come and go, but the liberal agenda is forever. They’ve got the groundwork covered; they just need a face to trot out now and then.

This is the crux of why the MAGA movement is so aligned with the notion of Great Men. The movement thrives on the idea that individual leadership—particularly that of Donald Trump—is critical to restoring America to its former greatness. There’s no substitute for a strong leader who can rally the troops and steer the ship. Meanwhile, the Left seems more like a wandering pack of zombies, concerned less with the intellect of their leaders and more about the emotional currents of the masses. 


Liberalism today resembles a zombie faith, wandering the landscape devoid of meaningful leadership yet sustained by the fervor of its crowd. Instead of new ideas, it feasts on the emotional resonance with its followers, driving home the point that it doesn’t matter who leads as long as the ideology remains intact. Even with a president whose cognitive abilities are questionable, the liberals will soldier on, guided by their overarching philosophy rather than the quality of their leadership.

This is exactly why liberals have thrived and transformed America over the years. Their strategy might not be too transparent, but it’s surprisingly effective. As they roam in their self-absorbed quest for change, bragging about how no single individual is paramount, it feels like watching an endless parade of faces with an agenda stitched into their collective brain. The lesson learned? While true leaders can inspire and transform, a movement driven by crowd mentality can be a formidable force—zombie apocalypse and all.

Written by Staff Reports

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