
Democrats Panic After Biden’s Debate Fiasco Prompts Talks of Replacement

President Joe Biden must have a knack for tripping over his own teleprompter, seeing as his performance in last Thursday’s debate was nothing short of a catastrophe of comedic proportions. In a classic Biden mix-up, he managed to pivot from Trump’s pro-life record to a bewildering tangent on illegal immigration. As if that wasn’t enough, he threw in a jaw-dropping comment about women needing access to abortion because they’re apparently getting “raped by their brothers and sisters.” One has to wonder if Biden’s campaign slogan should be, “Expect the Unexpected.”

Not surprisingly, the Democratic Party is experiencing a bit of a panic attack. Whispers of replacing Biden have turned into full-blown conversations, with names like Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and Gretchen Whitmer being tossed around as potential saviors. Clearly, Team Blue is starting to realize that a candidate who can’t keep his thoughts on track might not be their best shot at the White House.

A CNN poll from Tuesday practically waved a red flag right in front of the donkey’s face. It revealed that Vice President Kamala Harris is polling closer to former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 showdown than Biden is. In this alternate reality, Harris captures 45 percent of the vote to Trump’s 47 percent, whereas Biden lags behind with 43 percent, while Trump sits comfortably at 49 percent.

The margin in other matchups isn’t doing the Democrats any favors either. Against Newsom, Trump enjoys a 48 percent support to Newsom’s 43 percent. Against Whitmer, Trump is ahead with 47 percent compared to Whitmer’s 42 percent. Voters think Democrats have a better chance with anyone else rather than Biden, with a staggering 75 percent of respondents indicating that the party should pass the torch to someone – anyone – else.

Reporters like David Chalian can’t help but point out that Biden’s support appears to be more about opposing Trump than an endorsement of Biden himself. Meanwhile, Trump supporters are firmly in the ‘Trump 2024’ camp with unwavering enthusiasm. Democrats seem to be waking up to the reality that having Biden as their banner boy might just be a strategy for disaster.

Post-debate chatter suggests that the Democratic Party is behaving like a deer caught in headlights, unsure of whether to stick or twist as they head toward 2024. With Harris, Newsom, and Whitmer being floated as potential replacements, it seems the party is desperately searching for a lifeboat to rescue their sinking ship. Maybe they should start polling to see which Dem replacement can string together a coherent thought on stage.

Written by Staff Reports

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