
Democrats Panic as Bennet Predicts Trump Victory Over Biden

Senator Michael Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, seems to have found himself in a pickle by admitting that he believes former President Donald Trump will beat President Joe Biden come November. Bennet warned his colleagues at a private Senate Democratic caucus lunch that the current administration is on a quick path to a landslide defeat, potentially costing Democrats their Senate majority as well.

Bennet’s confessions were then aired out on CNN, where he didn’t hesitate to validate the network’s scoop. He put it out there for the country to scrutinize: He doesn’t think Biden can secure a second term. It’s not every day you see a Democrat dishing dirt on the reigning head of their own party, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
Apparently, Bennet’s not the only Democrat waving the white flag. 

According to CNN, Jon Tester of Montana and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, both standing on the shaky ground for this year’s election, echoed Bennet’s doomsday predictions about Biden’s chances. While Tester and Brown’s fears add to the growing list of complaints about Biden’s performance, it was Bennet who went public with his grim analysis, mentioning that Donald Trump’s three-point lead in the polls is a harbinger of a massive Republican victory.

Bennet’s rhetoric is drenched with anxiety; he believes the presidential race’s current trajectory is alarming for anyone concerned about America’s future. Comparing Trump’s strong showing to Biden’s limping campaign, which at this time in 2020, boasted a nine-point lead over Trump, Bennet stressed that not even Hillary Clinton’s five-point summer lead in 2016 could save her from an electoral drubbing.

Despite his existential political crisis, Bennet stops short of calling on Biden to step aside, yet he hints that the White House hasn’t demonstrated any meaningful strategy to win voters over. Bennet implied that the Biden administration has been going through motions without addressing the real concerns of the American electorate.

Whether they want to admit it or not, it seems that even Democrats recognize troubling signs of Biden’s aging and its impact on his leadership. While no Democratic senator has officially called for Biden to bow out, whispers of doubt are louder than ever, and the White House has done little to tamp down the growing unease.

To cap it off, Bennet looked visibly uncomfortable about his own grim declarations, suggesting it’s something Biden himself needs to consider seriously. As Democrats grapple with internal turmoil, it looks like the countdown to the November elections is shaping up to be a nail-biter, especially if Michael Bennet’s candid confession is any indication of what’s to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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