
Democrats Scramble to Meet Ballot Deadlines in GOP-Led States

Attention, readers! Get ready for a wild ride through the twists and turns of the Democratic National Convention vs. the red states’ election deadlines saga. Buckle up, ’cause it’s gonna be a bumpy one!

So, here’s the lowdown: The Republican secretaries of state in Ohio and Alabama gave the Democrats a not-so-friendly heads up that there may be some hang-ups with getting President Joe Biden’s name on the November ballot. Why? Because, drumroll please, the Democratic National Convention is set to go down *after* the deadline for both states.

But fear not, fellow conservatives, because the Dems are scrambling to figure out how to make sure their main man Biden can still join the race. They’ve cooked up not one, not two, but four different schemes to try and ensure Biden’s name gets the green light.

First off, they’re thinking of sending out letters to confirm that Biden and Kamala Harris are the chosen ones. Sound familiar? Yep, it’s a move straight out of the Republican playbook. But hold onto your hats, ’cause the Alabama secretary of state is throwing some serious shade at this plan. He’s waving the “no exceptions” flag and making it clear that the law is the law, folks.

Next up on the Democrats’ to-do list: sweet-talking the state legislatures into changing the deadlines. It’s like they’re trying to rewrite the rules of the game just so it suits them better. But wait, there’s more! They’re even considering getting all legal on us by talking about taking the whole shebang to court. It’s a real head-scratcher how they’re citing past exceptions for GOP candidates as their ammunition.

But wait, wait, wait! The grand finale is a real showstopper. Brace yourselves, because the Democrats are pondering holding a virtual vote before their convention to seal the deal. A virtual vote? It’s like they’re trying to play a game of make-believe and hope it counts in the real world.

So there you have it, folks. The Democrats are in quite the pickle, and they’re pulling out all the stops to try and wriggle their way out of it. But don’t worry, we’ll be here front row and center to watch the drama unfold. Grab some popcorn and stay tuned for the next episode!

Written by Staff Reports

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