
Dems’ Despair: Troops Flood NYC Subways as Safety Fails, SF Fights Crime with…Cards?

New York City’s transit system is in such a state of disarray that hundreds of National Guard troops have been deployed to the subways, in addition to extra police, state troopers, bag checkers, mental health teams, and soon-to-be-tested gun detectors at select stations. Leave it to the Democrats to create a public transportation nightmare like this! Mayor Eric Adams finally had to admit that the “random acts of violence” are seriously messing with New Yorkers’ heads. Conservative critics were quick to point out that none of these desperate measures would even be necessary if the criminals were actually put behind bars and the border was secure. Unfortunately, those foolproof solutions aren’t likely to be implemented in any Democrat-controlled cities anytime soon. Take San Francisco for example, where they have come up with yet another ridiculous so-called “solution” to their public safety crisis.

Get this – the Bay Area Rapid Transit system is giving out “intervention cards” to passengers in hopes that it will help with the rampant harassment happening on their trains. Yes, you read that correctly – intervention cards. As if a flimsy piece of paper is going to stop a criminal or a crazy person from causing chaos on public transit! These cards are supposedly a way for passengers who are being harassed or witnessing harassment to discreetly signal for help or offer assistance. What a joke!

The cards come in two varieties – one with the slogan “I Got You” and the other saying “You Got Me?” along with a list of steps riders can take to help in a situation. The brainiacs behind this idea say that it’s a “concept developed by the youth design team” who felt there needed to be a way to ask for help or deal with a potentially dangerous situation. As if handing someone a tiny piece of paper is going to magically transform them from a bystander into a crime-fighting hero.

Apparently, Station Agents at BART will be handing out these cards, along with Ambassadors and Crisis Intervention Specialists. Oh, and they also plan to distribute them to young people through community organizations, events, and schools. Let’s just hope those cards don’t end up being used as targets for the criminals, because we all know they won’t do anything to stop crime.

It’s no wonder that people with a lick of common sense are mocking this ridiculous idea. They’re saying that these cards won’t do a darn thing to protect anyone from the deranged individuals running wild on the subway. And they’re absolutely right! Handing out pieces of paper isn’t going to do a thing to stop crime and harassment, especially when the Democrats have allowed lawlessness to run rampant in cities like San Francisco. It’s time to get real about public safety and stop relying on absurd “solutions” that do nothing to protect the innocent people just trying to get from point A to point B.

Written by Staff Reports

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