The Democratic National Convention has turned into an intriguing spectacle, combining theatrical displays of masks and a desperate attempt to flaunt President Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the eye-catching sight of delegates dutifully masked up against a virus that has become somewhat of a national ghost story, the party leadership insists that they have dominated the health crisis, which many Americans would prefer to forget. Apparently, some Democrats believe that reliving COVID misery will somehow garner votes, all while pointing fingers at former President Trump for how he supposedly bungled the response.
Amid the mask-wearing delegates, there surfaced more than a few heavily dramatized testimonials that painted Trump as a villain wielding poor leadership like a weapon. Those in attendance seemed more than eager to exploit their personal tragedies for political gain, suggesting that Trump’s “intimidation tactics” directly contributed to their loved ones’ deaths. The narrative pushed by Democratic speakers served a dual purpose: to vilify Trump while simultaneously bolstering Biden’s flimsy claim of progress against COVID.
Democrats’ convention leans into pandemic politics
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) August 22, 2024
Political analysts are perplexed by this strategy, noting that, while pandemic criticism may have propelled Democrats in the 2020 election, people today are over the entire saga. Concerns about inflation, economic troubles, and a host of other pressing issues are rapidly overshadowing the COVID narrative. A noted analyst even mentioned how the political weight of the pandemic has fallen off the charts, suggesting that Democrats are living in a bygone era, hoping we all still remember the days of lockdowns and fear-mongering.
The claims regarding the COVID death toll are particularly telling. Data shows that after Biden took office, the death toll actually increased by 20% compared to the last year of Trump’s administration. While Trump faced the daunting reality of a new and unprepared-for virus, Biden was handed an arsenal of knowledge, vaccines developed at lightning speed, and stockpiles of medical supplies ready to deploy. Yet instead of acknowledging this, Democrats crafted a villain out of Trump, insisting he did nothing while they claim credit for “successes” that are less flashy than a failure to communicate proper health policy.
Delegate testimonials revealed an astonishing trend: it appears that many Democrats display an almost theatrical disdain for Trump, portraying him as the antagonist in this continuing drama. One attendee outright argued that Trump didn’t even believe COVID was real and attributed hazardous misinformation to him—like drinking bleach, a rumor thoroughly debunked during his presidency. Yet somehow, it is this ludicrous portrayal that Democrats are betting on to win over the masses while they try to restart mask mandates and avoid mentioning their own mixed results.
Ironically, the heightened attention on the government’s pandemic response is seen more as an indictment of Trump than as an actual commendation of Biden’s policies. With the recent push for government intervention lauded by figures like Senator Bernie Sanders, Democrats hope to paint a picture of a benevolent Big Government as savior. Yet, this narrative falls flat, especially as inflation continues to ensnare American wallets in an inescapable grip. The Republican critique of unnecessary government spending rings alarm bells that could shatter the Democrats’ house of cards, making this entire strategy seem more like a publicity stunt than a genuine attempt to connect with voters.