
Desperate Dems Fake Biden Robocall Scandal Exposed: Lib Media Lies Again!

In a pathetic attempt to undermine the integrity of our democratic process, it seems that yet another fake news story has been circulating. This time, it involves none other than Sleepy Joe Biden himself. According to a suspicious Instagram post, a CNN chyron claims that Biden robocalled New Hampshire voters, urging them to skip their recent primary election. But fear not, truth seekers, because the facts are here to set the record straight!

First of all, let’s address the source. CNN, the notorious purveyor of liberal propaganda, is behind this so-called story. But did you really think we would fall for their tricks? Not a chance! The chyron in question conveniently cropped out the word “fake,” making it appear as if Biden had actually made such a call. This is a classic example of the liberal media’s dishonesty and bias. But we conservatives are onto their game.

Not only was the chyron misleading, but the robocall itself was nothing more than a deceptive fabrication. USA Today confirms that the call was not authentic, and a transcript of the CNN segment featuring the fake call proves it. CNN anchor Abby Phillip even acknowledged that the call was under investigation by the New Hampshire attorney general. It’s clear that the Democrats will stop at nothing to deceive the American people and undermine our democratic processes.

But let’s not stop there. The fake robocall supposedly made by Biden was nothing short of ludicrous. In the call, a voice that vaguely resembles Biden’s attempts to persuade voters to save their vote for the November election. Can you believe the audacity? The Democrats are so desperate that they resort to using artificial intelligence to imitate our President’s voice. This is a disturbing glimpse into the depths of their deception.

Luckily, we have a wealth of evidence to prove the falsity of this claim. Multiple reputable news outlets, including CBS News, ABC News, and The Washington Post, have all debunked the robocall as fake. Even the White House Press Secretary has confirmed that the call was not recorded by President Biden. It’s clear that the truth is on our side, and the Democrats should be ashamed of their attempts to sow doubt and confusion.

In conclusion, we must remain vigilant in the face of these deceitful tactics from the left. They will do whatever it takes to cling onto power, even if it means spreading fake news and undermining our democracy. But we conservatives will not be fooled. We see through their lies and manipulation. The American people deserve better than this, and we will continue to fight for truth, justice, and conservative values. Stay strong, patriots!

Written by Staff Reports

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