
EXPOSED! MSNBC Columnist Busted with Fake DeSantis Story…

According to an article on the Daily Caller, Eric Michael Garcia, a coumnist for MSNBC, begged for forgiveness Friday after he realized that a story he wrote about the Supreme Court was based on his reading dates incorrectly.

The story, which was published in The Independent, claimed that DeSantis met with Supreme Court Associate Justice Thomas the day before the court's decision on Roe v. Wade. However, it was actually 2021 and not 2022.

The story also included snippets of emails from Thomas' staff, which indicated that he and DeSantis met on June 23, 2021.

Jeremy Redfern, the governor's press secretary, called out the error on Twitter. Garcia repsponded and said that he was embarrassed and humiliated by the story's false claims.

In response, Garcia said that he was genuinely sorry and that he was not trying to mislead anyone. He also admitted that he should have double-checked his dates. The article was being taken down, and he apologized to the readers.

A spokesperson for the DeSantis campaign said that the story was misleading, as it implied that the governor pressured Thomas to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The story also implied that Governor DeSantis would try to influence the outcome of a Supreme Court decision by pressuring Justice Thomas. Pushaw said that this was absurd to anyone who follows either Thomas or DeSantis for a long time.

The emails that were included in the story showed that the governor had been in regular contact with Thomas, and his wife, who was reportedly working with the DeSantis administration, had urged him to speak with coalition groups.

The Independent also made a false claim in 2021 that Kyle Rittenhouse, who was previously acquitted of murder, shot three African-Americans during a Black Lives Matter riot in 2020. The three individuals he shot were all white.

Written by Staff Reports

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