
FBI Targets Conservative Hero in Free Speech Smackdown

In a shocking twist of events, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement have launched a full-scale attack on a conservative social media account. According to NBC News’ exclusive report, they claim that this account is responsible for over 20 bomb threats called into schools. But let’s take a closer look at the so-called “evidence” they have.

You see, these threats allegedly came after videos of school employees were posted online. The real agenda here is to connect conservative citizen journalism with radical actions in an attempt to use the federal government as a weapon against those who dare to fight against progressive control over American institutions. It’s a blatant attempt to silence conservatives and cut off a highly effective tool in the battle against the left’s domination.

This targeted social media account belongs to Chaya Raichik, known as Libs of TikTok. Back in 2020, Raichik burst onto the scene with a mission to expose leftist teachers using their own videos posted to social media. The brilliance of Raichik’s posts is that they are not doctored or taken out of context. It’s progressive activists, in their own words, explaining how they are using innocent children for their political or sexual agendas.

Imagine the shock of parents when they saw kindergarten teachers gleefully discussing teaching five and six-year-olds about sex and gender. These teachers were indoctrinating young minds with ideas that boys could be girls and vice versa, explaining the intricacies of sexual relationships, and promoting the concept of “coming out” or “identifying.” It’s outrageous!

As academic performance declined and children became visibly stressed and depressed, it became clear that the root of the problem lay within their education system. For the first time, Americans were given a glimpse into the realities of the modern U.S. education system. And what they saw was alarming.

The targeting of American children by these leftist teachers drew comparisons to Marxist struggle sessions. Although different in many ways, the manner in which young minds were being molded with radical ideologies was reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. While we often joke about higher education institutions being infested with these ideologies, parents never expected to find critical race theory (CRT) or diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) being pushed onto their children in elementary schools.

Raichik’s exposés revealed the mission of these teachers to project their progressive ideologies onto vulnerable and impressionable children. They were building woke armies right in America’s heartland, and concerned parents had had enough. They began by emailing teachers, trying to understand their lesson plans. But when that didn’t yield results, they took their concerns to board meetings and filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. They were fighting tooth and nail for their children’s education.

These videos awakened a sleeping giant that had grown complacent in its trust in American institutions. With each layer peeled back, another horror was unearthed. But this didn’t sit well with the leftists. Their pipeline of indoctrinated activists was being dismantled with every video exposing their agenda. They were furious!

So, what’s their response? They will do what all harmful ideologies do – ruin the reputation of dissidents, label their actions as illegal, and wield the power of the state as a weapon to destroy them. And in modern America, the progressive army has found its most critical arm in the mainstream media. They control the narrative, shaping how people think and feel about important topics.

Now, they are targeting Raichik. Her account shattered their carefully crafted narratives about education, healthcare, and government control. She armed conservatives with the tools they needed to fight back against the growing machinery of the left by simply lifting the veil of the factory. The masses could finally see the truth for themselves, and the propaganda centers couldn’t stand being exposed by a mere Twitter account.

That’s why the attacks don’t just come from NBC. All the top media corporations take their turns trying to bring her down. They are desperate to destroy the messenger if it means they can regain their power over the American public. But conservatives aren’t fooled. We see through their manipulations.

Raichik is just one piece of the puzzle, but her contribution is invaluable. She is both a strategic defense against the America First agenda and a warning to anyone who dares to stand against the regime. Taking her out would be a significant progressive victory in their ongoing efforts to silence conservatives in America.

Fortunately, we are witnessing the beginning of the end for mainstream media. Big Media’s viewership and trust among Americans are plummeting, except for the die-hard progressive ideologues. It’s time for conservative values and thought to regain control of the national narrative and rightfully dismantle the mainstream media monopoly.

Let’s not allow the left to dictate what we think and believe. We must continue to support voices like Raichik’s that challenge the status quo and expose the truth. The battle for America’s future is far from over, but with brave conservatives like her leading the charge, there is hope for a brighter, more honest future.

Written by Staff Reports

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