
Former White House Doctor Says Biden White House is an “Assisted Living Facility”

Joe Biden, the 79-year-old president, is known for his numerous gaffes and misstatements. To the common person, it would appear that Biden is in a cognitive decline, though the White House says he's fine.

Many people are concerned that the president's actions speak louder than his words. Among those who are worried about Biden's increasing number of misstatements and confusions is Ronny Jackson, a Texas Republican Congressman.

During a campaign rally for Donald Trump on Saturday, Jackson took the stage to hype up the crowd. He then doubled down on his previous statement about Biden's cognitive decline. He said that the 46th president had turned the White House into an "assisted living facility."

Jackson has been a vocal critic of Biden, and he believes that the President is unfit to serve in office. His most recent concerns came after he called out Jackie Walorski, a Republican representative from Indiana who died in August following a car accident.

As the White House's physician for both Trump and Barack Obama, Jackson was able to hold nothing back when he responded to the question about where Jackie was. He also repeated his previous call for Biden to take a cognitive test.

According to Jackson, it doesn't take a neurologist to realize that Biden is suffering from a serious cognitive decline.

The American people are sick of hearing about Joe Biden's mental health issues and believe that he is not capable of serving as the country's commander in chief. It's time for the White House and the liberal media to stop hiding the truth about his condition and demand that he take a cognitive test.

Biden's continued decline has become a major issue for the Democrats as it comes to the question of whether or not he'll run for president in 2024.

Most of the polls that have been conducted show that the public is not happy with Biden's current performance. The majority of Democrats prefer younger candidates.

A survey conducted earlier this year revealed that the public is not interested in seeing an incumbent like Biden run for president in 2024. The main reasons why people are avoiding the former vice president are his job performance and age.

Written by Staff Reports

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