
Gingrich & LaCivita: End GOP Debates, Crush Sleepy Joe Now!

In a stunning move, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Trump adviser Chris LaCivita have joined forces and called on the Republican National Committee (RNC) to cancel future debates. And honestly, who can blame them? These debates have been about as exciting as watching paint dry on a hot summer day.

LaCivita made his feelings clear in a statement, delivered via email from Trump’s press office. He argued that President Trump’s lead in the primary election is so massive that there is no need for further debates. And you know what? He’s got a point. Trump is trouncing the competition like a bull in a china shop. It’s a beautiful sight to behold.

According to LaCivita, the RNC should put an end to these snoozefests and instead focus their energy on the real threat: Joe Biden. Let’s face it, folks, Biden doesn’t stand a chance against the Trump train. With a 40- or 50-point lead in the primary election and a solid 10-point lead over Biden in the general election, Trump is the only one who can send Sleepy Joe packing.

Gingrich, ever the wise sage, echoed LaCivita’s sentiments. He stated that the race is over, and Trump will be the nominee. So, why bother with more debates? It’s time to face the truth, people. Trump is the chosen one, and it’s up to us to decide if we want to see Biden reelected or help Trump make America greater than ever before. There’s no middle ground here, folks. It’s an all-or-nothing choice.

Now, let’s talk about these debates for a moment. The third GOP debate is currently scheduled for November 8th in Miami. Is anyone excited about this? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Yeah, that’s what I thought. We might as well watch that paint dry I mentioned earlier. It’s time to cut our losses, RNC, and focus on what truly matters – making sure Biden doesn’t get anywhere near the White House.

So, let’s put an end to this circus, cancel the future debates, and direct our attention towards ensuring President Trump’s reelection. It’s time to save our nation from the clutches of the left and send a clear message: America chooses Trump. And with his tremendous lead in the polls, it’s a choice that simply cannot be contested.

Written by Staff Reports

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