
GOP Aims to Censure Schiff: Lies and Justice Exposed in Exclusive Bannon Interview

In an exclusive interview with Steve Bannon, Rep. Luna (R-FL) confirmed that the Republican-controlled House will be voting to censure and potentially fine Democrat Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his lies and false narratives during the Trump-Russia investigation. Luna, a rising conservative figure, expressed her confidence that Schiff will “go down as a liar,” a sentiment that rings true among many Republicans.

The GOP has been pushing for accountability and consequences for Schiff’s actions for months, and the upcoming vote signifies a determined and unified effort by the party leadership to hold him accountable for his lies. Luna shared details regarding the upcoming vote and confirmed the support of the GOP leadership.

Schiff, a long-serving Democrat known for his outspoken criticism of the Trump administration, has become the target of Republican ire due to his spreading of false narratives during the Trump-Russia investigation. The recent Durham report confirmed that there was no significant evidence to back claims of collusion, yet Schiff repeatedly claimed to have seen exclusive evidence that proved otherwise.

Luna, in addressing Schiff’s conduct, filed a motion to censure, condemn, and impose a $16 million fine on him for his lies to the American public. She asserted that Schiff “really destroyed the sense of comradery that we had in this country” and that the Trump-Russia investigation cost taxpayers 32 million dollars.

As conservatives, we must stand up for the truth and hold lawmakers accountable for their actions. Schiff’s conduct during the investigation was a disgrace to the House of Representatives and the American people. He will be held accountable for his lies, and justice will be served.

Written by Staff Reports

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