
GOP Defends Pro-Life Centers from Biden’s Funding Snatch!

Congressional Republicans are throwing major shade at the Biden administration for a proposed rule that would yank funding from pro-life pregnancy centers. They’re accusing the administration of trying to use taxpayer dollars to prop up the abortion industry. How scandalous!

The Health and Human Services Department thinks these pro-life centers don’t cut the mustard when it comes to preventing and reducing out-of-wedlock pregnancies. But the republicans are like, “Um, no thank you.” They’re pointing out that these pregnancy centers have been doing the Lord’s work by providing free help to women, babies, and families. They’re offering everything from parenting classes to diapers, and the GOP is here for it.

The Republican posse, led by Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi and Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey, penned a letter to the administration on December 1, and released it to the masses on Monday. They’re not having any of this proposed rule nonsense. In their opinion, these pregnancy centers are fulfilling the goals of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which was put into place back in 1996. They’re all about helping needy parents get back on their feet and encouraging two-parent families—none of this abortion biz, thank you very much.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because the Republicans aren’t finished. They’re calling out the Health and Human Services Department for giving Planned Parenthood a free pass when it comes to TANF funding. Yup, you heard that right. They’re basically saying, “Hey, how come the big guys get to play with federal dollars, but the little guys get the boot?”

And it doesn’t stop there. The Republicans are all riled up about the proposed rule wanting to steer funds toward family planning programs that sound an awful lot like the ones part of the Planned Parenthood franchise. They’re not about to let that happen without a fight. In fact, they’ve got 11 Senate Republicans and 19 House Republicans backing them up on this. Plus, they’ve got the support of big names like the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and the Family Research Council.

Yep, the GOP is ready to rumble on this one. They’re not backing down when it comes to protecting those pro-life pregnancy centers from the claws of the Biden administration. It’s a political showdown, and the Republicans aren’t about to let their conservative values get trampled on.

Written by Staff Reports

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