
Hamas Exploits Hospitals in Warfare, US Envoy Confirms Dirty Tactics

On Thursday’s episode of Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley dropped a bombshell about Hamas’ use of hospitals for their nefarious activities. Merkley revealed that U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues David Satterfield confided in him that there are, in fact, tunnels under hospitals in the Gaza Strip. Now, this is a big deal because, as we all know, hospitals should be off-limits in any conflict. But it seems like Hamas doesn’t play by the rules.

Host Andrea Mitchell even chimed in with some insight she gained from a briefing with John Kirby, where the issue of strikes against hospitals was brought up. Kirby, who was announcing a pause and agreement with Israel, stressed that any action against a hospital would have to be proportional and that there are clear laws of war against it. So, it’s clear that the U.S. is walking on eggshells around criticizing Israel for its actions, even though there might be some shady stuff going on under those hospitals in Gaza.

Merkley’s conversation with Ambassador Satterfield painted a troubling picture of the situation. Satterfield, with his wealth of experience in the region, expressed no doubt about the existence of tunnels under hospitals. It’s a scary thought that these crucial medical facilities, meant to heal the sick and wounded, are being exploited in such a despicable way. But leave it to Hamas to stoop to new lows in the name of their dangerous agenda.

The fact that these revelations are coming out should make everyone take a step back and reevaluate the situation. It’s a stark reminder that we need to support Israel in their efforts to defend themselves against these ruthless tactics. Hopefully, this kind of information will open the eyes of those who have been quick to condemn Israel without understanding the full scope of the situation.

Written by Staff Reports

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