
Hamas’ Puppets: Media Enables Death Cult Agenda

In the 1930s, a journalist named Walter Duranty, working for the New York Times, shamefully won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Soviet Union. Duranty, a communist sympathizer, lied about the widespread Soviet famine and other tragedies, while progressives used his work to support their case for communism in the United States. It’s appalling that the New York Times has never revoked Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize, but what’s even more concerning is the current state of Western media openly parroting the talking points of Hamas.

Walter Duranty was a useful idiot for the Soviets, believing in their twisted ideology. Similarly, Hamas exists for one reason alone: the complete eradication of all Jews worldwide. It’s right there in their charter, not some secret conspiracy. Journalists who uncritically accept and amplify Hamas propaganda are explicitly siding with a death cult.

Let’s be clear – Hamas is a death cult. Their goal is to see Jews and Palestinians dead. When Hamas instructs Palestinians not to evacuate, blocks evacuation routes, or worse, targets those roads for attacks, they are unmistakably revealing their true intentions. While past brutal tactics like rape and beheading have been inflicted by infamous armies such as Stalin, Hitler, and Genghis Khan, it is unprecedented for a party to adopt a strategy that maximizes civilian deaths among its own people. This is not merely a human shield strategy; it is a human sacrifice strategy.

This is who Hamas is, there’s no denying it. Journalists who play along with Hamas’s twisted strategy are complicit in their evil. Recently, there was a missile explosion at a hospital in Gaza, and early reports pointed fingers at Israel, accusing them of killing hundreds of innocent civilians. No surprise that left-wing corners immediately condemned Israel. However, as independent intelligence outfits began their investigations, it became evident that the rocket had originated from within Palestinian territory and had accidentally landed on the hospital.

We later learned that Hamas had listed several targets in Israel as places to hit with missiles, just before the events occurred. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that the projectile originated in Palestinian space but attributed it to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, a third group separate from Hamas. Despite this clarification, the damage was already done. Waving the banner of victimhood, Hamas and terrorist groups like Hezbollah labeled the incident a war crime and called for more violence.

The media, both in the West and Gaza, had already painted Israel as the villain. They willingly echoed the narrative concocted by bloodthirsty terrorists. Instead of waiting for evidence or reporting the event as a hospital explosion, they eagerly blamed the Jews. This is not a case of rushing to report; this is a blatant act of collaboration with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran sympathizers in the media. Only when hard facts emerged did some outlets begin to change their tune.

John Podhoretz aptly pointed out that the American press did Hamas’s dirty work for them. By blaming Jews for a Palestinian-on-Palestinian tragedy, the media peddled a blood libel. This term refers to the accusation that Jews murder innocents, a despicable lie historically used to cover up the crimes of evil groups. It’s sickening that today’s media would fall into this trap.

So, why did Walter Duranty spread lies about the Soviet Union? He was a communist sympathizer. But what about today’s media? They unthinkingly report anything thrown at them by a death cult. They aren’t just useful idiots; they are something much worse. They have become willing pawns in the hands of evil. It’s a sad state of affairs when journalists abandon their responsibility to seek the truth and instead enable the actions of those who wish to see innocent lives destroyed.

Written by Staff Reports

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