
Harris Narrows Gap with Trump on Economy Despite Skepticism

In a shocking twist that might surprise those still clinging to the notion that Vice President Harris is a competent steward of the economy, recent polling suggests she is making strides on this critical issue. Harris, who once seemed destined to languish behind former President Trump in economic perception, has managed to shave off a few percentage points from his lead. Apparently, a little abysmal performance goes a long way when it comes to shifting public sentiment.

In the latest CBS News/YouGov poll, the numbers show Harris garnering support from 47% of voters who prioritize the economy, while Trump sits at a still-comfortable 53%. Last month, the gap was even wider, with Harris only able to claim 43% compared to Trump’s 56%. This recent surge could be attributed to the ongoing propaganda that the economy is on the mend, which some voters are evidently buying into, despite the inflation-inducing policies that have dominated the Biden administration.

However, even as Harris enjoys a slight bump in approval ratings, it should be noted that the majority of Americans still have a realistic grip on economic conditions. A solid 59% of respondents described the current national economy as either “very” or “fairly bad,” with only 39% claiming it’s looking “very” or “fairly good.” It’s almost comforting to see that voters are not losing touch with reality, even with Harris throwing around the notion that everything is getting better.

It’s also essential to highlight Trump’s continued stronghold on the immigration front, where he still holds the cards with independents and swing voters. Harris, in a now-noteworthy pivot, is trying to adopt a tougher stance on border issues—perhaps realizing that her previous coddling approach wasn’t winning her any points. With Democrats clamoring to pin the border crisis on Trump, she’s attempting to don the hat of an immigration enforcer, despite her history of downplaying the chaos at the border.

Amidst all this, the poll also reveals that many voters support Trump’s hardline proposals for mass deportations of illegal immigrants, reinforcing the idea that while economic ratings may be fluctuating for Harris, Trump still retains a robust base on issues that genuinely matter to Americans. One has to wonder if Harris will trade in her economic fairy tales for some genuine policy action, or if her newfound popularity will continue to be as flimsy as wet tissue paper.

Written by Staff Reports

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