
House Fails to Override Biden Veto on Joint-Employer Rule

The House did not override President Joe Biden’s veto of legislation, which allowed the new joint-employer rule for the National Labor Relations Board to move forward. The House members tried to override the veto with a vote of 214-191, but they needed two-thirds of the House to pass the measure, so it did not go through.

Critics of Biden’s joint-employer rule argued that it would harm small businesses and make it easier for them to face labor lawsuits while trying to please union groups with special interests. This vote marked Biden’s 11th veto, surpassing former President Donald Trump, who had 10 presidential vetoes.

In response to the veto, Biden stated that the bill, introduced by Rep. John James (R-MI), would let companies avoid their obligations and liabilities when it comes to bargaining. He also claimed that the Republicans’ actions are in favor of union-busting corporations over the needs of workers and their unions. Biden affirmed his support for workers and unions, declaring himself as the most pro-union and pro-worker President in American history. He emphasized that his administration is focused on protecting the right to organize and bargain collectively.

The House’s failure to override Biden’s veto allowed the joint-employer rule to go into effect, leading to concerns from conservatives about its potential impact on small businesses and labor relations.

Written by Staff Reports

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