
Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Dispute Drug Use Allegations in Gun Purchase Trial

In a Delaware court, attorneys for Hunter Biden sought to challenge the accusation that he was using drugs when he bought a gun in 2018. This comes after federal prosecutors claimed that Hunter Biden had lied on a gun form by stating he was not using illegal substances at the time of the purchase. Hunter Biden, who has admitted to struggling with crack cocaine addiction, faced cross-examination from defense attorney Abbe Lowell regarding his alcohol purchases leading up to the gun purchase.

The defense argued that while Hunter Biden may have been consuming alcohol, there was no evidence to support the claim that he was using illegal drugs during that time. Additionally, the defense questioned the credibility of text messages and a laptop left at a computer repair shop, attempting to cast doubt on the prosecution’s evidence. They also raised doubts about the FBI agent’s ability to authenticate the laptop’s contents.

During the trial’s second day of testimony, prosecutors pointed to Hunter Biden’s own words from his autobiography as evidence of drug abuse at the time he filled out the federal firearms application. Despite the defense’s efforts, Hunter Biden still faces three felony charges of lying on a gun form.

The questioning by the defense and the prosecution’s evidence and arguments are part of a legal battle that has drawn national attention. The outcome of this trial could have significant implications for Hunter Biden and his family.

Written by Staff Reports

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