
Hunter’s Lawyer Fumbles on MSNBC: Hides $7M Payday!

In a desperate attempt to salvage Hunter Biden’s tarnished reputation, his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, made an appearance on MSNBC. But instead of clarifying the controversial $7 million payment received by his client, Lowell only managed to further obfuscate the matter. In a condescending tone, he suggested that the average American couldn’t possibly understand the complexities involved in his client’s dealings.

When questioned about the exorbitant sum of money Hunter received, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC asked Lowell point blank, “What did Hunter Biden think he was getting that $7 million for?” Rather than answering the question directly, Lowell deflected, insisting that people should focus on the number of years Hunter had been in business instead. But this evasion only raises more suspicions about the sources of Hunter’s income.

Even Scarborough was taken aback by Lowell’s evasiveness, challenging him to clarify the actual figure and the number of countries involved. Lowell seemed to dance around the question, using vague terms like “joint ventures” and “potential foreign entity” to explain the source of the funds. If Hunter’s lawyer believes this is an adequate explanation, he must think the American public is extremely gullible.

Lowell quickly shifted the focus away from the money, instead emphasizing Hunter’s educational background and work experience. According to him, Hunter’s lucrative business ventures were a result of his competencies, not his last name. But it’s clear that Lowell is grasping at straws, trying to distract from the uncomfortable truth that Hunter has been cashing in on his family name.

The irony is not lost on conservative observers. Lowell suggests that if anyone is to blame for using family connections to gain advantages, Congress should be under scrutiny. He references Senator Joe Manchin’s wife, who holds a prominent position in West Virginia, thanks to Congress’s generous funding. It seems Lowell is attempting to deflect criticism by pointing fingers at others, but the American people are not so easily fooled.

From this brief exchange on MSNBC, it is abundantly clear that Hunter Biden’s lawyer is struggling to defend the indefensible. His attempts to obfuscate the truth and downplay the significance of the $7 million payment only exemplify the complete lack of transparency and accountability that has become synonymous with the Biden family. It’s high time that the American people demand answers and hold the Bidens accountable for their questionable actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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