
Jim Jordan’s Speaker Bid Tanks as GOP Traitors Emerge

In yet another blow to Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), his bid for Speaker of the House is crumbling as more Republicans start to defect and cast their votes against him. It’s like watching a slow-motion trainwreck, folks.

The latest turncoats include Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), who had the audacity to vote for Speaker Pro Temp Patrick McHenry (R-NC), and Rep. Marc Molinari (R-NY), who chose his fellow New Yorker Lee Zeldin. Can you believe it? These Republicans have the nerve to go against their own party!

According to sources, a meeting between Jordan and the dissenters on Friday didn’t go well. One reporter even described it as a “direct, precise meeting” where Jordan was bluntly told that he will never be Speaker. Ouch! It looks like the establishment Republicans are determined to crush Jordan’s dreams.

And speaking of dreams, Jordan had initially agreed to support McHenry as interim Speaker through January, but then he backtracked. He must have heard the whispers from his conservative allies urging him to stand strong and not give in to a compromise. You know, because compromising is for losers.

This whole showdown between Jordan and the establishment Republicans is just a sad reflection of the state of the GOP. Instead of focusing on working together and opposing the Biden administration’s agenda, they’re too busy bickering and infighting. It’s like a circus, but without the fun and entertainment.

Meanwhile, the White House is having a field day with the Republicans’ disarray. They’re using it to deflect any criticism of President Biden, accusing the GOP of wanting to burn down the government instead of governing responsibly. And guess what? Their strategy might just work. Outside allies are launching an onslaught of ads linking vulnerable House Republicans to the so-called “insurrectionist” Jordan. It’s a dirty game, but hey, politics is never fair.

So there you have it, folks. The Republican Party is in shambles, with no clear path forward for nominating a Speaker who can actually get things done. It’s a perfect recipe for disaster and a surefire way to lose the slim majority they have in next year’s election. But hey, who needs unity and effectiveness when you can have petty squabbles and political grandstanding, right? Way to go, GOP!

Written by Staff Reports

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