
Kamala Harris Owns a Glock While Pushing Gun Control Agenda

In a twist that could give even the most seasoned political strategists whiplash, Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently revealed that she owns a semiautomatic handgun. The news came during a 60 Minutes interview, which, given its long track record of political shockers, is ironclad proof that clocks often strike thirteen in the leftist political arena. Apparently, Harris has been packing a Glock since time immemorial—at least by her standards—and has enjoyed unleashing some rounds at a shooting range, you know, just to keep in touch with reality.

The gun ownership admission isn’t exactly new for Harris. It dates back to the 2019 Democrat primary season when she faced backlash for her gun control proposals. Back then, the notion of advocating for teachers to be armed for self-defense was all the rage in conservative circles, yet Harris found this idea as appealing as a root canal. Fast forward to September 19, 2024, while on the set with Oprah Winfrey—a woman famed for her dramatic gasps—Harris once again made her ownership public as if it were the latest iPhone release, surprising no one with a half-hearted “I’ve had it for quite some time.”

The irony is palpable. A staunch advocate for gun control suddenly reveals she owns a gun, specifically the very kind that liberals have demonized: a semiautomatic with detachable magazines. Beautifully crafted by Glock, this weapon has become a focal point of sensationalist debates, tossed around like confetti at a parade celebrating the Constitution. Apparently, Harris’s gun ownership contrasts starkly with her party’s increasingly alarmist stance against firearms, particularly semiautomatic handguns, which they like to paint as tools of chaos and carnage.

Even more amusing is to watch the left wring its hands over this own goal. Formerly, Harris lectured the masses on the “dangers” posed by these types of firearms as if they were self-aware assassins lurking in every classroom and playground, and now she finds herself owning one? This seems like an unintentional audition for a role in “Hypocrisy: The Musical.” The left can continue to vilify Glock firearms, but it sounds increasingly hollow when their own leaders are trained on the very weapons they want to take from everyday Americans.

In the grand scheme of things, this situation serves as a revealing moment about the contradictions within the Democratic Party and its increasingly bizarre relationship with personal freedom and firearms. Harris is not just a contender for the presidency; she’s a walking, talking advertisement for why trusting gun control advocates with more power might not be the brightest idea. After all, when the politicians tasked with curbing gun ownership can’t even stick to their own narrative, it raises questions about their respect for the law, the Constitution, and, well, just about everything else.

Written by Staff Reports

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