
Kamala Harris Studies Clinton’s Failed Campaign to Avoid Similar Pitfalls

In what can only be described as a stroke of comedic genius by the media, Kamala Harris is reportedly attempting to glean wisdom from the disastrous campaign of Hillary Clinton, reminding everyone that sometimes lessons can be learned from failure, as long as the notes are taken with a hefty dose of irony. One couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Harris flipping through the pages of Clinton’s campaign playbook, hoping to avoid the pitfalls that have become synonymous with the former First Lady.

The first bit of wisdom supposedly absorbed by Harris involves avoiding the cringe-inducing slogan that nearly brought Clinton to her knees—” I’m With Her.” While Harris may be steering clear of emphasizing her “historic” candidacy, one must wonder how long it will take for her to realize that ignoring gender dynamics in a political campaign is like playing hopscotch in a minefield. Of course, that doesn’t stop her media cheerleaders from attempting to paint a portrait of Harris as a beacon of progress while simultaneously labeling anyone who questions her qualifications as a sexist or racist.

Next on Harris’s supposed list of learned lessons is the idea that Clinton’s strategy of maintaining a clean campaign was a monumental mistake. After all, Democrats in 2016 were far too timid to engage in the mud-slinging that Donald Trump welcomed with glee. Fast forward to today and it seems there’s a newfound eagerness among Democratic strategists to unleash a campaign filled with low blows, likely forgetting that their previous dirty tricks failed miserably. Clinton may have perfected the art of political smear in her crusade against Trump, but that didn’t quite translate into electoral success. Harris seems to be looking to the same dark playbook, believing naively that voters are just itching for more of that theater.

The final takeaway for Harris appears to be the timing of the campaign. Clinton’s lengthy primary battles allowed voters to see her true colors, while Harris has been delicately packaged and presented as a shiny new toy. The idea is that with less exposure, Harris can glide through the early campaign hurdles without much scrutiny. If only her team had the foresight to recognize that some of her most notable gaffes could rear their ugly head just when she thinks she’s safe, exposing her to potential ridicule the likes of which Clinton faced.

While Harris is certainly trying to learn from one of the biggest failures in modern political history, the evidence suggests she may have missed the lesson entirely. Instead of gleaning insight from Clinton’s experience, it appears more like a case of déjà vu. Until Harris successfully navigates her way through the next set of political landmines without stepping on her foot, fingers will be crossed across the aisle. In a strange twist, should she actually win the White House, it would be a bitter pill for Clinton to swallow—knowing that her longtime rival will assume the mantle of the first female president. At the same time, her historical mark remains as a painful reminder of how not to run a campaign.

Written by Staff Reports

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