
Media Twists Chicago Shooting: Cops Vilified, Truth Ignored

The mainstream media strikes again, folks! They’re at it with their shameless and twisted portrayal of the Dexter Reed shooting in Chicago. Seems like they’re on the prowl for the new George Floyd, especially since it’s election time. They can’t resist twisting the truth, can they?

Dexter Reed was no innocent bystander, folks. He was pulled over by the police and, instead of cooperating, he decided to open fire. That’s right, he shot at the officers first, injuring one of them. But does the press mention this right away? Of course not! They’d rather paint a false narrative of an unarmed black man being unjustly shot. The injured officer was black, by the way – just a small detail they conveniently left out.

And let’s talk about those sensationalized headlines claiming the officers fired 96 times. Well, well, well, what they conveniently forget to mention is that 11 of those shots were fired by Reed himself. Talk about burying the lead! But I guess accuracy and context don’t sell newspapers, do they?

It’s sickening to see Reed’s family spewing falsehoods at press conferences. I get it, they want to defend their own. But blaming the cops for doing their job in a life-threatening situation? That’s just low. And the media happily eats it up, regurgitating the lies without a second thought.

The press conveniently forgets to mention that Reed was out on pre-trial release for violent felonies, including a shooting. So, excuse the officers for being cautious when dealing with a potentially dangerous individual, right? But no, that doesn’t fit the media’s narrative of demonizing law enforcement.

It’s time to call out the press for their biased reporting. Let’s set the record straight, folks – this was a justified shooting by every measure. The officers were faced with a deadly threat and had to respond to protect themselves and the public. But no, the media would rather play the victim card and stoke outrage for their own selfish gains. It’s time they start reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

Written by Staff Reports

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