
MSNBC Host Questions Trump Ruling: No Victims, No Harm? Witch Hunt Exposed!

In a shocking turn of events, even the typically biased MSNBC host Katy Tur found herself questioning the fairness of the recent court ruling against former President Trump. This rare moment of clarity came after a whopping $354 million judgment was handed down along with a three-year ban on Trump conducting business in New York. It’s a real head scratcher considering there were no actual victims in the case – no harm, no foul, right?

Leave it to MSNBC to struggle with the concept of justice when it doesn’t fit their anti-Trump narrative. Tur highlighted the absurdity of the situation, pointing out that the law used to go after Trump doesn’t even require there to be a victim. How can you have a crime with no one actually being harmed? It’s like trying to bake a cake without any flour – just a big, empty mess.

The panelists on the show tried to spew legal jargon to justify the unprecedented actions taken against Trump, but their arguments fell flatter than a pancake on a Sunday morning. The fact that even Tur, on a network known for its Trump bashing, is questioning the fairness of the ruling speaks volumes. It’s as clear as day that this is nothing more than a witch hunt fueled by vindictiveness.

The Associated Press even chimed in, confirming that this case against Trump is truly a one-of-a-kind spectacle in New York’s history. Almost 150 cases were reviewed, and not a single one came close to the level of overreach seen in Trump’s prosecution. The only thing this trial accomplished was satisfying the relentless vendetta of NY AG Letitia James against Trump.

In the grand scheme of things, this ruling doesn’t make New York safer or better. It’s just a political spectacle aimed at taking down a political opponent by any means necessary. Justice should be blind, not politically motivated. But hey, when did fairness and common sense ever matter to the left-leaning crusaders on MSNBC?

Written by Staff Reports

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