
Nikki Haley Flays Liberal Hysteria, Defends Sanity in Immigration Debate

Nikki Haley, the tough-talking, freedom-loving former ambassador to the United Nations, is under fire once again from the left-wing mob for speaking the truth. A video has surfaced of her standing up for the rule of law and common sense, and the liberal snowflakes just can’t handle it.

In the clip, Haley, a strong and fearless advocate for American values, condemns the use of the word “criminal” to describe illegal immigrants. She understands that just because someone breaks the law to enter our country doesn’t mean they deserve to be labeled as such. 

The truth is, Nikki Haley is a champion for human decency and fairness. She knows that we need to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws, but she also understands that every person, no matter their legal status, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. 


Written by Staff Reports

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