
NY Times Gifts Bias on Christmas, Targets Israel & Justice Thomas!

The New York Times’ Christmas present to their readers was a stocking full of biased, anti-conservative swipes at two of the outlets’ favorite targets: Israel and Justice Clarence Thomas. While most people were making merry and enjoying time with family and friends, The New York Times was up to their old tricks, taking jabs at the Jewish state and a black conservative Supreme Court justice.

The first lump of coal in their digital stocking was an op-ed from the mayor of Gaza City, where readers were treated to a criticism of Israel’s response to a terrorist attack by Hamas with little context or mention of the attack. The article inaccurately framed the reasons for the Israel-Hamas conflict, conveniently forgetting why the war actually began.

The Times also decided to take aim at Justice Thomas, his clerks, and his wife, Virginia Thomas. The headline of the piece attacking Thomas and his clerks, “Clarence Thomas’s Clerks: An ‘Extended Family’ With Reach and Power,” sparked fury among conservatives. The piece attempted to belittle the achievements and loyalty of Thomas’ clerks, insinuating that they were selected solely based on ideology.

The New York Times tried to play the race card by taking a swing at a conservative black man. The audacity! It’s like they were trying to stir up a pot of political correctness, but it ended up tasting more like sour grapes. Readers were quick to point out the racial undertones of the attack, accusing the Times of targeting a person of color on Christmas of all days.


Written by Staff Reports

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