New York City has officially turned into an overgrown Airbnb, thanks to the stellar leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Big Apple has reportedly spent more than $5 billion on migrant-related costs in just 25 months, which is like tossing cash into a bottomless pit while watching the city go further down the rabbit hole of mismanagement. With $2 billion of that jaw-dropping sum spent solely on housing, one has to wonder if New York’s new motto is “Come for the pizza, stay for the handouts.”
As the city struggles to balance the books between high taxes and skyrocketing living costs for locals, one thing is unquestionably clear: the budget appears to have gone on a permanent vacation in Cancun. With the influx of migrants, some New Yorkers might start to think that if they want a room to live in, it’s best to rent from someone who just arrived without a clue as to how much rent actually costs. After all, staying warm during the winter in NYC has taken on a whole new meaning, especially when the city is throwing money at temporary shelters like they’re candy on Halloween.
NYC taxpayers have been forced to foot a $5B bill thanks to Kamala Harris and her wide open border
— Shawn Farash (@Shawn_Farash) August 14, 2024
Meanwhile, local businesses and job seekers are left scratching their heads, wondering why they’re footing the bill for policies that seem to prioritize accommodating newcomers over supporting residents who have called New York home for years. It’s as if floating the idea of responsible spending has been tossed aside along with the agendas of actual hardworking people. The city seems to be investing in housing for those just passing through while families struggle with rent skyrocketing like one of those dystopian movies where no one can afford anything.
During these challenging times, politicians would focus on fixing domestic issues instead of creating a revolving door of new expenses. But alas! The administration is too busy patting itself on the back for the dubious achievement of transforming the city into a temporary refuge. If only that same enthusiasm could be extended to ensuring that the basic needs and safety of local citizens were prioritized instead of the ever-expanding guest list of “new arrivals.”
The irony of it all is hard to miss. With every dollar spent on housing migrant populations, residents see their own cost of living rise, making the American Dream feel more like a cruel joke. As the city fights to keep itself afloat amidst ever-increasing expenses, it becomes glaringly evident that the priorities of Biden and Harris need to align with those of the people they vowed to serve. And so, the saga continues in the land of high tides and higher bills—maybe one day, the city will see that responsible governance is not just a suggestion but a necessity.