
Ohio’s GOP Flocks to Moreno: Trump-Backed Candidate’s Shocking Surge!

Bernie Moreno, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, just scored another victory for his campaign. Not only does he enjoy the esteemed endorsement of former President Donald J. Trump, but he also has the support of prominent Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan. And now, to add to his growing list of endorsements, Moreno announced on Friday that he has gained the support of five Ohio Republican committees.

The Brown County GOP, in particular, overwhelmingly endorsed Moreno, giving him a significant boost. In a post on X, Moreno expressed his pride in receiving the endorsement and shared his success with the other county endorsements he has earned so far. It looks like Moreno is on a winning streak, with Clermont County, Delaware County, Butler County, and Madison County all backing his candidacy.

It’s no surprise that Moreno is gaining such strong support from Ohio Republicans. The state, along with Arizona and Montana, poses a high risk to the Democrats who hold Senate seats there. Prior to Trump’s endorsement, Moreno was lagging behind in the polls. But with the support of the former president, his chances have skyrocketed.

Trump’s endorsement of Moreno was nothing short of enthusiastic. On Dec. 19th, he took to TruthSocial to praise the businessman from Ohio, calling him a true MAGA fighter. Trump believes that Moreno will stand up against the “nut jobs” on the left and the spineless RINOs who are part of the corrupt Deep State. He also criticized Sherrod Brown, the current Democratic senator, for pretending to support Trump’s policies while voting for the disastrous policies of Joe Biden.

Interestingly, internal polling suggests that Moreno is now taking the lead in a surprising turn of events. Previously, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose was leading in the polls but still projected to lose against Brown. However, with Moreno’s newfound support, the tables have turned, and he’s now the frontrunner.

Moreno seems to have the Trump family on his side as well. Donald Trump Jr., the politically active son of the former president, has also voiced his support for Moreno. In a Rumble interview on Jan. 5th, Trump Jr. praised Moreno as an “America First” fighter who won’t back down to the swamp. He believes that Moreno is the candidate who will truly deliver on his promises and get the country back on track in 2024.

It’s clear that Moreno has struck a chord with conservatives in Ohio. With the endorsements of Trump, Jordan, and various Ohio Republican committees, he is building an impressive coalition. As the battle for the Senate seat heats up, Moreno’s supporters believe that he is the true champion of Ohio values who will always put America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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