
OMG! Biden’s Latest Brain Farts are Alarming…

It’s hard to believe that Joe Biden can go so long before he makes a mistake or gets tripped up in front of the White House. This week, he did it again, and it embarrassed the office of the president.

It’s time for President Biden to stop reciting the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. It doesn’t seem to end well for him.

According to the Western Journal, Biden was speaking to a group of workers in Boston on Monday when he started to botch the words of the Declaration of Independence. During his speech, he also suffered a brain freeze.

Biden started to mispronounce the words of the Declaration, and he also forgot the ending. He quickly moved on.

The White House released transcripts of Biden's speech, which pretended to show him actually saying the entire word. However, he still mispronounced the word "unalienable." This was Biden's fourth failed attempt at quoting the Declaration of Independence.

In June 2021, Biden tried to quote the words of the Declaration of Independence, but he also forgot the phrase "pursuit of happiness." During his campaign in 2020, Biden said that all of us are created by the things that are in the Declaration of Independence.

It's not like the president of the United States is not familiar with the Declaration of Independence's preamble. He might try to recite it correctly, but you're not likely to believe him.

During his speech on Monday, Biden made several other mistakes. One of these included stumbling over the word "America." He also referred to the country in a manner that was completely out of character.

Written by Staff Reports

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