The saga of Nancy Pelosi just keeps getting juicier, with the latest revelations putting her in a spotlight she desperately wishes would dim. On August 5, reported on Pelosi’s feverish denial that she pressured Joe Biden to step aside for someone else. The headline reads like a punchline from a poorly written joke: Pelosi claims she “never called anybody.” It seems that in her universe, not initiating a phone call equates to complete innocence in a political coup. News flash, Nancy: the truth is starting to leak through the cracks of your carefully crafted narrative.
Pelosi’s game of semantics is being exposed, as she now seems to confirm that behind the scenes, she did indeed have a tête-à-tête with the president. Her attempt to paint a picture of complete non-involvement was always as flimsy as a wet paper bag. The desperate spin to keep the masses believing in her innocence was all smoke and mirrors, intended to distract from her true intentions, which appeared aimed at sidelining Biden, a fellow Democrat who certainly isn’t at the peak of his game.
In one fell swoop, Nancy claimed she never called anyone, while selectively forgetting to mention that the phone does work both ways. Sure, she might not have picked up the horn to make a call – but one can bet Pelosi was all ears when those calls started coming in from individuals pushing for a new candidate. It’s a neat trick, flipping the narrative to play victim when the reality is she’s been part of the orchestrated push for Biden’s exit from the presidential race.
The irony is nearly laughable. In claiming she hadn’t pressured the president, she effectively admitted that the idea of him staying in office was hanging by a thread. Just a week later, she was singing a different tune, confessing that she had little faith in Biden’s ability to win another election. “I was asking for a campaign that would win,” she quipped, showing just how out of touch she is with the hard-working Americans who’ve lost faith in their elected officials.
It might be time for a reality check, Nancy. When you tell America you have no involvement in a push to replace Biden, then weeks later crow about your doubts regarding his campaign, it looks less like a coincidence and more like a well-timed acknowledgment of reality. The double talk is infuriating, especially coming from someone who holds herself in the highest of political states; one who believes her convoluted definitions of truth will fly under the radar. But the average American isn’t fooled by Washington’s games.
Politics might have thrown Pelosi a bone in the past, but the trust is gone. She continues to play the blame game while reminding everyone that her party has sacrificed integrity for agenda. Hopefully, when the ballots are cast this November, they’ll provide a loud concert of dissent that drowns out the deceptions of figures like Pelosi, who believe they can operate above the truth without consequence. The people deserve better, and they’re finally starting to recognize their power as they step into the voting booth.