
Rep Andy Biggs Pursues New Criminal Referral Against Hunter Biden

Congressman Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona, has announced his intention to push for a new criminal referral for Hunter Biden. Biggs revealed his plan during an appearance on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show, where he expressed his desire for both the Oversight and Judiciary committees to make a referral regarding Hunter Biden’s testimony about his ties to a controversial securities firm.

Recent evidence presented to Congress apparently contradicts Hunter Biden’s previous testimony regarding his involvement with Burnham Asset Management, a firm under investigation for securities fraud in 2016. Despite Hunter’s denial of any connection to the firm during his testimony, documents now suggest otherwise, indicating that he did indeed work for Burnham during the same period.

Congressman Biggs seemed determined to hold Hunter Biden accountable for his statements, emphasizing that lying to Congress is a serious offense that cannot be taken lightly. He expressed his skepticism about Hunter potentially using the excuse of not being under oath when providing his testimony, asserting that the evidence speaks for itself.

With a firm stance on ensuring truthfulness and accountability in congressional testimonies, Congressman Biggs appears resolute in his efforts to pursue a new criminal referral for Hunter Biden. This latest development underscores the ongoing scrutiny surrounding the first son’s business dealings and raises questions about his credibility before Congress.

Written by Staff Reports

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