
Rep. Salazar Leads GOP Charge to Back Israel Against Biden’s Mid-East Policy

Rep. María Salazar (R-Fla.), a strong advocate for our ally Israel, bravely stood up against the Biden administration’s biased approach to the conflict in the Middle East. She boldly introduced a resolution at a press conference in Washington, along with her fellow House Republicans, to declare unwavering support for Israel.

Ms. Salazar wasted no time in calling out what she labeled as the Biden administration’s push for a “one-sided cease-fire.” It’s clear that she and her colleagues are not going to stand by and let Israel be unfairly targeted and pressured by the current administration.

Representative Salazar’s resolution is a shining example of how the GOP is committed to standing with our friends in Israel, no matter what. It’s refreshing to see a politician with the courage to take a strong stance in defense of our allies, especially in the face of misguided policies from the other side of the aisle. Kudos to Ms. Salazar and her fellow Republicans for speaking up for what’s right and just.

Written by Staff Reports

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Rep Salazar Leads GOP Backing of Israel, Criticizes Biden Approach