
Rubio Stages Power Move: Trump 2024 Endorsement Drops Pre-Iowa!

On the eve of the Iowa Caucuses, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential race. This makes Rubio the 23rd senator to endorse Trump, joining the ranks of Senator Rick Scott and most of the House Republican Florida delegation. Rubio took to Twitter to announce his endorsement, citing the successful implementation of policies he had long advocated for during Trump’s time in office. According to Rubio, Trump’s refusal to bend to special interests allowed for the accomplishment of goals such as the expanded Child Tax Credit and tough sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela. It’s clear that Rubio sees Trump as the only leader who can effectively address the issues created by President Biden, calling for a united effort to defeat Biden and save America.

This endorsement is a significant blow to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has been struggling to gain strong support from top Republicans in his home state. Rubio’s decision to back Trump further solidifies the former president’s position as a frontrunner in the race. The support from Rubio also comes on the heels of another high-profile endorsement from Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota, who withdrew from the Republican primary race in December. Burgum, speaking at a rally in Iowa, declared his endorsement of Trump and received enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Trump, in response, expressed his gratitude for Burgum’s support and praised his record of accomplishments.

With these endorsements, Trump now has the backing of nearly half of the Republican U.S. senators, according to FiveThirtyEight’s endorsement tracker. It’s clear that Trump’s influence within the party remains strong. This wave of support from key figures in the Republican Party could prove to be a major advantage for Trump as he considers another run for the presidency. The race for the Republican nomination in 2024 is shaping up to be highly competitive, and Trump’s ability to rally support will certainly be a factor to watch.

Written by Staff Reports

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