
Slotkin Spends Big in Senate Bid Amid Democratic Anxiety Over Biden Flap

Elissa Slotkin is at it again, trying to buy her way into the U.S. Senate with a cool $8 million reserved for ad space in Michigan during the home stretch of her campaign. Slotkin, who hopes to fill the shoes of Sen. Debbie Stabenow—the same shoes that have worn a Liberal path since 2001—is gearing up to drown Michigan residents with ads as she fights for the Senate seat.

Campaign guru Austin Cook thinks this massive splurge will energize voters and pave Slotkin’s way to the Senate. Detroit, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, and Flint can all look forward to an onslaught of Slotkin propaganda filling their airwaves and digital platforms as the campaign circus arrives in town.

Interestingly, Slotkin booked her ad space before President Joe Biden’s latest debate debacle, which has left many Democrats nervously wringing their hands. So much for enthusiasm. After the president’s performance that left both sides shaking their heads, former advisers from Democratic bigwigs like Claire McCaskill and Kyrsten Sinema already admit that every Democrat on the ballot just got a heavier load to carry.

Despite her head start in fundraising and ad buys, Slotkin’s lavish spending is not the only game in town. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has thrown down a $100 million gauntlet across swing states, including Michigan. Not to be outdone, Republican-aligned groups have earmarked another $14 million for post-primary ad blitzes.

The Democrats also have deep pockets, with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee dropping $10 million and their PAC adding another $17 million to the media melee. Slotkin may have raised more than $16 million so far, but the GOP isn’t exactly sitting on their hands—especially with endorsements from heavy hitters like former President Donald Trump, who tossed his support behind Mike Rogers. Rogers might currently be trailing in fundraising, but the race is far from over. Buckle up, Michigan; it will be one wild ride to November.

Written by Staff Reports

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