
Ted Cruz Blasts Blinken Biden Foreign Policy on Iran Israel Ukraine at Senate Hearing

Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, did not hold back in criticizing Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a recent hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Cruz blamed Blinken and the Biden administration for causing chaos in American foreign policy by undermining allies and appeasing enemies. He accused them of contributing to a shambolic situation in Ukraine, failing to contain Iran’s influence, and jeopardizing the relationship with Israel. Cruz also suggested that the Biden administration had allowed Iran to benefit from oil revenue, which he claimed was being used to support Hamas terrorists.

During the hearing, Blinken defended the administration’s stance, arguing that President Biden has taken steps to protect Israel and dismissing reports of withholding intelligence from the Israelis as false. He also emphasized that the U.S. was now part of a community of nations addressing global security issues. However, Cruz countered by pointing to the historic Abraham Accords negotiated under the Trump administration, which led to more Arab nations normalizing relations with Israel, and he argued that the Biden administration had disrupted the peace and prosperity achieved through these efforts.

Written by Staff Reports

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