
Trump Campaign Crafts Harris Policy Proposals Amid Her Silence

The most recent twist in the ongoing political circus surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a ridiculous turn, as former President Donald Trump’s campaign has decided to take the liberty of drawing up policy proposals for her—because she hasn’t bothered to do so herself. It seems that “Joy 2024” merely refers to Harris’s upbeat demeanor rather than any substantive ideas that could stand up under scrutiny. Just a month into her candidacy, and she’s already giving off the distinct vibe of a deer caught in headlights.

Harris’s campaign website remains shockingly bare when it comes to policy positions. The Trump campaign saw this as an opportunity. It fired up a snazzy website dedicated to laying out what they believe Harris’s true intentions are, presumably based on her past actions and statements—or lack thereof. Armed with a 20-point platform, the Trump camp clearly isn’t waiting for Harris to turn in her homework any time soon. Ignoring fundamental campaign principles like transparency, Harris has opted to avoid any news conferences or interviews with reporters, preferring silence over substance.

The Trump campaign took a stab at illuminating Harris’s policies—if only to clarify for voters what they might be supporting if they choose to cast a ballot for her. Their website reveals a treasure trove of supposed Harris-approved intentions, such as an open-border agenda, a penchant for hefty tax hikes, and soft-on-crime policies that would make any law-abiding citizen cringe. The suggestion that Harris only wants to free criminals is not just a jab; it reflects real concerns about her record and the current administration’s policies regarding crime and immigration that have led to chaos at the southern border.

Additionally, the site provides a robust critique of “Bidenomics,” positing that Harris played a significant role in the economic disaster many Americans find themselves grappling with today. Her role as the tie-breaking vote on the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan is flagged as a pivotal moment in her career, leading to skyrocketing inflation that consumers are feeling every time they fill their grocery carts. By casting that vote, Harris contributed to an inflation rate that has soared to nearly 20 percent since Joe Biden took office, effectively cementing her status as a key player in this fiscal mess.

As if inner-city crime and rampant inflation weren’t enough, Harris’s endorsement of the Green New Deal reveals just how far left her policies lean. This legislation, which was estimated to carry a staggering price tag of up to $90 trillion, aims to overhaul the economy dramatically under the guise of environmental responsibility. Among other things, it seeks to eliminate private health insurance and is suspiciously aligned with Bernie Sanders’ vision of “Medicare-for-All.” Although she appears to be flip-flopping on the Medicare-for-All issue, her past enthusiasm makes it hard to shake the feeling that she would leap at the chance if it were handed to her on a silver platter.

In light of all this, it seems that the Trump campaign’s snarky policy site isn’t just a humorous jab—it’s a legitimate attempt to bring some clarity to an otherwise murky and uncomfortably vague candidacy. Harris has left voters in the dark about where she stands, so why not let a rival campaign fill in the blanks? As the election looms on the horizon, it’s clear that voters deserve more than Harris’s sunny disposition and catchy slogans. They deserve a candidate who can actually articulate a coherent policy vision—something that seems to be totally lost in the haze of joy that is Kamala Harris’s campaign.

Written by Staff Reports

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