
Trump Dominates Polls, But Can He Keep GOP United? Find Out Why!

On the eve of the second RNC debate, CBS News released a poll that has sent shockwaves through the Republican primary race. Former and potentially future President Donald Trump is comfortably leading the field in both Iowa and New Hampshire, with a whopping 51 percent and 50 percent, respectively. While this may seem like a commanding lead, there are some interesting numbers that suggest voters in Iowa may still be undecided.

It appears that Trump’s base might not be as solid as some may think. In Iowa and New Hampshire, there is a significant number of voters who say they are “not considering Trump,” with 31 percent in Iowa and even higher in New Hampshire. A strong plurality, at 48 percent, say they are considering “Trump and other candidates.” As a conservative, it is disheartening to see that there are voters who are not fully committed to our great leader. We must rally behind Trump and show our unwavering support.

The poll also asked voters about their views on abortion, and it seems Iowa voters are particularly pro-life. A staggering 77 percent of likely GOP caucusgoers believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. This is a clear indication that Trump’s pro-life stance resonates with the heartland of America. However, it is worth mentioning that Trump’s recent comments about Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a heartbeat bill have garnered backlash not only from his opponents but also from Iowa voters. As conservatives, we must remember that Trump is not infallible and should be held accountable for his mistakes.

One interesting finding from the poll is that a majority of voters in both Iowa and New Hampshire consider the presidential debates to be a major factor in evaluating a candidate. This is why it is concerning that Trump will once again be opting out of the debate. While he claims to be meeting with UAW workers on strike, it is clear that he is avoiding facing tough questions and scrutiny from his opponents. It is disappointing to see Trump not taking advantage of the opportunity to defend his record and showcase his leadership.

Despite his absence, Trump continues to lead the pack in both states, with a wide margin of support. In Iowa, he has 49.2 percent support, with a spread of +33.2, while in New Hampshire, he has 44 percent support, with a spread of +31. His closest competitor, Gov. Ron DeSantis, lags far behind with only 16 percent and 13 percent in Iowa and New Hampshire, respectively.

It’s clear that Trump remains a force to be reckoned with in the Republican primary race. His base may not be as solid as we would like, and his decision to skip the debates is disappointing, but he continues to lead in the polls. As conservatives, we must continue to show our unwavering support for Trump and rally behind him as he seeks to Make America Great Again.

Written by Staff Reports

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